Crafting Effective Interest Area Materials

Interest Areas

Interest areas are areas set up within your classroom with a specific focus. The purpose of an interest center is to allow children to learn in the way they learn best: through play!

Materials should align with the skills that need to be practiced, support understanding logical relationships, help develop reasoning skills, broaden their experiences, support language learning, and encourage creativity.

Materials should be:

  • Easily accessible
  • Clearly defined space where materials go
  • Materials and self-labeled
  • Similar materials are grouped together

Materials in each center should be changed occasionally. A rotation schedule is a great way to stay on top of this.

Every Friday, change one interest center.
At the beginning of each new theme.
Every six week.

Material rotation will keep students interested in materials and behaviors down. Along with helping to make sure materials are played with correctly. When kiddos get bored, they will find a new way to engage with materials, which is not always appropriate.

Interest Area Materials

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Hi, Im Shona

I help busy teachers like you save time and energy by creating developmentally appropriate resources. I live in Las Vegas with my two children, husband, and fur babies. I love to create, craft, and spend time with my family.

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